Packer upset by suggestions Crown profits from victims - 28th October 2011
Crown Casino Crown Limited James Packer Politics Melbourne Gaming
Crown Casino chairman James Packers says suggestions his business relies on problem gamblers are upsetting and he is not ignoring the human cost of profits.
ALI MOORE, PRESENTER: Crown Casino chairman James Packer says suggestions his casino business relies on problem gamblers is upsetting.
Mr Packer is now publicly attacking the Federal Government's laws to put compulsory betting limits on poker machines.
But he says he's not ignoring the human cost of casino profits.
JAMES PACKER, CROWN CASINO CHAIRMAN (FAIRFAX RADIO): This perception that the only people that come to Crown are helpless victims and we are just sitting there praying on them, you know, I reject that absolutely and that does upset me. And I think that that is, you know, that is a spin line from the latte set, which is completely wrong.
ALI MOORE: Independent Senator Nick Xenophon says James Packer is in as much denial as a problem gambler.
He has challenged the Crown Casino chair to open his gambling books for public scrutiny.
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