Online punters rushing to play, by Nick Galvin - The Age - 4th April 2009
In 2000 the Federal Government was interested in attitudes to the embryonic online gambling industry. Would Australians cop a ban on all local gambling sites - and if a ban was enforced would punters simply go offshore for their gambling fix?
Results of the consequent survey seem almost quaint. Ninety-six per cent of people said they had no interest in online gambling, and 1 per cent said they would consider playing on an overseas site if they "stumbled upon it".
"These points suggest that currently involvement in internet gambling is only minimal and not likely to increase rapidly in the near feature," the government report concluded. The next year the Interactive Gambling Act made it an offence to provide online gambling services in Australia; as late as 2004 a review boasted about the ban's effectiveness.
Fast forward to 2009. Exact figures are impossible to obtain, but industry sources agree that hundreds of thousands of Australians regularly play poker on overseas servers.
Causes of this growth are complex. Television exposure played a part; so too did the number of Australians with home internet connections - up from a third of households in 2001 to two-thirds by 2006. And there is no shortage, it seems, of Australians willing to trust the internet with their credit card details. (Credit: The Age)
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